06 November, 2008


This Veterans Day, November 11Th, whatever your views on war past or present take the time to thank a Veteran for their sacrifice. Happy Veterans Day Compatriots may God grant you a life time of peace both now and for eternity.
The First Flag raised over Iwo Jima

Iraq today

My war, Vietnam

BB 61 The USS IOWA in Korea

Pearl Harbour, My fathers war, and his ship the USS Utah as she rolled over and sunk

Americans in Action WWII with outdated weapons and equipment

The walking wounded in WWI, 2ND from the left appears to be a German POW.

Spanish American War and the battle cry went up "Remember the Maine".

Little Big Horn, Custer's last stand - both sides were AMERICANS

War of Yankee Aggression, General Lee at Bull Run, both sides were Americans.
Being a transportation Blog it just wouldn't be fair not to mention the special services of The USAF Military Airlift Command, The US Army Railway Engineers, The US Military Railroads, The Naval Railroad at Pearl Harbour and beyond, The Naval and Marine Corps Transport Units and the thousands of Civilian Military Employees, who have served their country. Americans in harms way, in war and peace around the globe.


The arguments rage to this date, "Should have never been built," "waste of taxpayer money," "Doesn't go anywhere," "Nobody rides it..." etc. Bottom line is we have it, and it is finally showing signs of life. Simple extensions to the Stadium, San Marco, and the area of Blue Cross in North Riverside would turn this little train around. Addition of Park and Ride garages and multimodal transit terminals at the end points would bring on the crowds. The video must have been shot on a Sunday Morning, as downtown is certainly as packed with life as any other major City on weekdays. Jacksonville is a city of Bikes, joggers, walkers, buses and cars, one almost wonders how the photographer managed to find this quiet moment.

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